Rejuvenation & Resurfacing

BBL Hero

Elevate Your Skin with BBL's Heroic Glow

blonde girl youthful glow

BBL Hero: The Glow That Saves the Day

The BBL Hero is a state-of-the-art medical device that utilizes BroadBand Light (BBL) technology to deliver a wide range of non-invasive treatments. Tailored to address skin concerns such as pigmentation issues, rosacea, sun damage, fine lines, wrinkles, and acne, while promoting a more youthful and rejuvenated complexion.

  • Treatment of sun damage
  • Minimized fine lines and wrinkles
  • Acne reduction
  • Redness reduction
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before and after

BBL Hero
BBL Hero

Understanding the Science

The Sciton BBL Hero utilizes advanced BroadBand Light (BBL) therapy, enhancing precision and effectiveness. It delivers high-intensity light pulses that target specific skin chromophores like melanin and hemoglobin, fading pigmented lesions and reducing redness while stimulating collagen production for improved skin firmness and elasticity. Customizable settings allow tailored treatments for various concerns, and an integrated cooling system ensures client comfort and minimal downtime.

The BBL Hero uses a process called selective photothermolysis. This means that it emits light energy at specific wavelengths that are absorbed by the target chromophores while avoiding damage to surrounding tissues. When melanin or hemoglobin absorbs this energy, it heats up, leading to their destruction or coagulation. For instance, in the case of pigmented lesions, the melanin absorbs the energy, causing the lesion to gradually fade.

How It Works: The Sciton BBL Hero process involves the precise delivery of high-intensity light pulses to the skin, targeting specific chromophores like melanin and hemoglobin to address diverse skin concerns. Customizable settings enable your laser professional to tailor treatments to your individual needs, and an integrated cooling system ensures your comfort during the non-invasive rejuvenation process, ultimately yielding smoother, clearer, and more youthful-looking skin with minimal downtime. Treatment frequency varies based on individual goals and skin conditions, but multiple sessions, typically spaced 2-4 weeks apart, are recommended to achieve optimal results.

After undergoing Sciton BBL Hero treatments, you can expect to see noticeable improvements in your skin’s appearance, including a reduction in pigmentation issues like sunspots and freckles, improved skin tone, diminished redness (including rosacea), and a more youthful complexion with reduced fine lines and wrinkles. Additionally, the treatment stimulates collagen production, leading to firmer and smoother skin over time. The extent of the results may vary based on individual skin concerns and the treatment plan, but many clients report a rejuvenated and refreshed overall look. 

ask us anything

Are the treatments painful, and is anesthesia required?
Can Sciton BBL Hero be combined with other cosmetic procedures?
How long do the results last, and is maintenance necessary?
How Long Until My BBL HERO Results are Seen?
How many BBL hero treatments are needed?
Is BBL good for all skin types?
What is the recovery time?
What skin concerns can Sciton BBL Hero effectively address?
BBL Hero

The Benefits of BBL Hero


Minimized Redness: Can significantly reduce redness, including that from rosacea, for a clearer complexion.


Minimal Downtime: Allows clients to resume regular activities immediately, offering convenience and minimal disruption to daily life.


Quick Procedures: Provides quick treatments perfect for busy schedules while still delivering effective results.


Customizable: Treatments can be tailored to each individual’s unique needs and concerns, suitable for various skin types and conditions.


Long-lasting Results: With proper care and recommended treatment, BBL Hero offers lasting skin quality improvements for a radiant, youthful complexion.


Healthier Complexion: Provides an effective solution for acne, pigmentation, and wrinkles, resulting in a clearer, more youthful complexion.

Skin Rejuvenation Resurfacing



kind words from clients

Effective procedure skillfully carried out by an attentive and kind specialist. What more could you ask for?


My only regret is that I did not do it sooner! After the first time, I saw incredible results. It’s quick and really works!


This clinic is so experienced and absolutely amazing! I refer everyone I know to them and they all equally agree. Kaylee has years upon years of experience, so trust that you’re in the best of hands.


Always a warm greeting, clean, and answers all questions, can’t wait for my results!!! Thank you.
