
Pre & Post Treatment Care BBL Hero

Pre-Treatment and Post-Treatment Instructions for BBL Hero

Sun Protection: Avoid prolonged sun exposure and tanning beds for 5-7 days prior to treatment. Apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher to protect your skin from the sun. Remember to reapply every two hours and wear protective clothing and a wide-brimmed hat when outdoors. Self Tanners: The use of self-tanning skin products must be discontinued one week before treatment. Any residual self- tanner should be removed prior to treatment. Skincare Products: Do not use any retinoids, exfoliants, or harsh skincare products on the treatment area for at least one week before the procedure. Oral Medications: Inform your laser professional about any oral medications you are taking, especially those known to cause photosensitivity (increased sensitivity to the sun). Hydration: Stay well-hydrated in the days leading up to your treatment to support your skin’s healing process. Makeup: Arrive at the appointment with clean, makeup-free skin, as makeup can interfere with the treatment process. Skin Condition: Inform your healthcare provider if you have any active skin infections or outbreaks, as the treatment may need to be rescheduled to ensure optimal results. Avoid alcohol: Avoid alcohol for at least 24 hours before the treatment to reduce the risk of skin irritation.

Sun Protection: Direct sun exposure can increase the risk of complications and hinder the healing process.  Apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher to protect your skin from the sun. Remember to reapply every two hours and wear protective clothing and a wide-brimmed hat when outdoors. Avoid Irritants: Refrain from using harsh or abrasive skincare products, such as scrubs or exfoliants, for at least one week after your treatment. These products can irritate the treated skin and hinder the healing process. Gentle Cleansing: Cleanse with a mild, non-abrasive cleanser and lukewarm water. Avoid hot water, harsh soaps, or rough washcloths that could irritate the treated areas. Moisturize: Keep your skin well-hydrated by applying a gentle, non-irritating moisturizer to the treated areas. This helps soothe the skin and promote healing. Avoid Makeup: It is recommended to avoid applying makeup on the treated areas for at least 24 hours to allow the skin to recover.Cold Compress: For added comfort, you can apply a cold compress to the treated areas as needed to reduce any swelling or discomfort. Avoid Hot Showers and Baths: Avoid taking hot showers and baths for the first 24-48 hours after treatment, as hot water can irritate the skin. Additionally, cleanse with a mild, non-abrasive cleanser and avoid harsh soaps, or rough washcloths. Avoid Strenuous Exercise: Avoid strenuous exercise or anything that causes excessive sweating for at least 24-48 hours after treatment, as sweat can irritate the skin.

What to Expect During Treatment

  • Safety Measures: Your laser professional will provide protective eyewear to shield your eyes from the intense light. The BBL Hero handpiece will be applied to the treatment area, and an integrated cooling system ensures your comfort during the procedure
  • Pulses of Light: You will experience brief pulses of high-intensity light as the device targets specific skin concerns. These pulses may cause a mild warming or tingling sensation but are generally well-tolerated.
  • Efficiency: BBL Hero treatments are typically quick and efficient, with sessions lasting anywhere from a few minutes to about half an hour, depending on the treatment area and specific concerns.

Expected Side Effects of BBL Hero: What to Know

BBL Hero is generally well-tolerated, but some individuals may experience temporary side effects. These side effects are typically mild and resolve on their own within a few days to a week. The expected side effects may include:

  • Redness: Some redness and warmth in the treated area are common immediately after the procedure, resembling a mild sunburn.
  • Swelling: Minor swelling or puffiness may occur, particularly in areas with delicate skin.
  • Tingling or Itching: You might experience a slight tingling sensation or itching, which usually subsides within a day or two.
  • Darkening of Pigmented Spots: In the days following the treatment, pigmented spots or freckles may temporarily darken before gradually flaking off.
  • Minimal Discomfort: Discomfort is generally minimal, but individuals with sensitive skin may experience slight discomfort during or immediately after the procedure.
  • Rare Bruising: Although rare, bruising can occur in some cases, especially on more sensitive areas of the body.

It’s important to note that these side effects are usually short-lived and resolve within a few hours to a few days. Following proper post-care instructions and protecting your skin from sun exposure can help minimize these effects.

Clinical Endpoints During BBL Hero Session

  • Visible Skin Changes: Your laser professional monitors the treated area for immediate visible changes, such as the reduction in pigmentation irregularities, clearance of vascular lesions, or an improvement in overall skin tone. The goal is to achieve the desired improvement in the targeted skin concern.
  • Erythema (Redness): The presence of erythema (redness) is often an indicator of effective treatment, particularly when addressing vascular lesions or redness associated with conditions like rosacea. Your laser professional assesses the degree of redness and ensures it aligns with the treatment plan.
  • Pigment Darkening: For pigmentation issues like sunspots and freckles, your laser professional may observe temporary darkening of the treated spots. This darkening indicates that the melanin is successfully absorbing the energy and will eventually flake off, revealing clearer skin.
  • Reduction in Vascular Lesions: When addressing vascular lesions, your laser professional assesses the degree of reduction in the appearance of blood vessels or redness. Successful treatment often leads to a diminished appearance of these concerns.

Clinical Endpoints After BBL Hero Session

  • Erythema and Mild Swelling: Redness and mild swelling of the treated area are common and expected outcomes following a BBL Hero session. These endpoints demonstrate that the skin has responded to the treatment, particularly when addressing vascular or redness concerns.
  • Darkening of Pigmented Spots: For pigmentation issues such as sunspots or freckles, the clinical endpoint may involve the darkening of the treated spots. This darkening is a sign that the melanin has successfully absorbed the energy and will eventually flake off, revealing clearer skin.
  • Immediate Reduction in Vascular Lesions: When targeting vascular lesions, professionals look for an immediate reduction in the appearance of blood vessels or redness. Successful treatment often results in a diminished appearance of these concerns.
  • Visual Changes in Skin Tone: Professionals monitor the treated area for immediate changes in skin tone and texture, aiming to achieve a more even and vibrant complexion.
  • Skin Temperature Control: Your laser professional ensures that your skin’s temperature remains within safe and effective ranges throughout the treatment. A cooling gel is used to maintain your comfort and prevent overheating.
  • Observation of Skin Texture and Tightness: Although not immediately visible, we anticipate improvements in skin texture, including smoother and firmer skin, due to collagen stimulation. These changes become more apparent in the weeks and months following treatment.

Why Numbing Cream is Not Commonly Used

BBL Hero laser treatment is known for its tolerability, and therefore, numbing cream is not typically required. The absence of numbing creams allows the laser to penetrate the skin more effectively, ensuring consistent and precise treatment across the targeted areas. This helps to maintain the integrity of the treatment and optimize the results.

The Significance of Clinical Endpoints

Evaluating clinical endpoints during and after BBL Hero laser treatment is crucial for confirming the success of the procedure. Your laser professional will assess these endpoints to ensure proper treatment coverage, effective collagen stimulation, and improvements in skin texture, tone, and the reduction of fine lines and wrinkles. These assessments guide professionals in making any necessary adjustments and providing personalized recommendations for subsequent sessions and post-treatment care.